Fangirl Five- April 20th

Fangirl Five is hosted by my girl Evil Eva at Nancy Drew is My Homegirl (check out her blog. She’s pretty awesome).

Here’s what’s on my brain this week:

1.  When You Were Mine by Rebecca SerleOkay, so the review of this book is coming.  I actually read it last week but my heart is still pitter pattering over the whole thing.  I. LOVE. THIS. BOOK.  And yes, I have a thing for Romeo and Juliet (this is a retelling from Rosaline’s perspective. Who is Rosaline, you ask?  Only the girl Romeo loved before Juliet. And this book is told from her perspective. Yowzas!).  That’s all I’ll say for now, except this: READ IT!! It comes out May1st.

2. The Vampire Diaries is back. Oh hells yes.  And yeah, I realize it was on last night. Those of you who frequent this blog regularly know that I record it and watch it on Friday mornings. I’m probably watching it right this very minute!  All I know is that I love Damen and Elena needs to get on that (I mean kiss him, um, obviously. What did you think I meant?).

3. Prom- Prom, like the actual dance, is awesome.  And It’s totally prom season; that season when boys go out of their way to find creative ways to ask girls to get all dolled up and go to what is probably the most awkward, over-hyped event of the year (but that is what makes it SO FREAKING GREAT). The other day, on the way home from an errand, I saw a huge yard sign (more like a banner) in someone’s yard, that said “Natalie, Prom?”  I’m going to assume that said Prom Asker ran out of paint  since his note was a little stilted, but still…the message was clear: I needed to rent the movie, Prom.   I mean, I never saw it when it was in the theater. My husband didn’t want to go (I know!. How could he NOT want to see this?).

So I rented it.  More on that later.

4. Starters by Lissa Price-

I finally got my hands on this book (thanks to my pals at Gone Pecan).  It’s like The Twilight Zone, which is never, ever a bad thing.

Happy Friday!

Fangirl Friday- February 3

Fangirl Friday is a feature hosted by my friend Evil Eva over at Nancy Drew is My Homegirl.  It’s where we blab about the things we’re most excited about this week.  This is a very good thing.

1. Where She Went by Gayle Forman– Yeah, I read this last year before it was released. And then I read it again and slobbered all over my review (I actually said I wanted to marry this book which, now that I think about it, is still totally true).  I loaned it to my beloved Vee a few months back and although she devoured it immediately, she’s had it for like six months. I was having Mia and Adam withdrawals so she sent it to me (thankyouthankyouthankyou).  First of all, I breathed a major sigh of relief that it was in my hands again, proof that I may need mental help. And then, even though I have at least a dozen books I’m supposed to read right now, I read it again. And let me just re-emphasize: THIS BOOK IS SWOON CITY!  Adam, oh how I love you.  I will wear my Team Adam button with such pride.

Side note: Evil Eva, you need to read this, ok?  Do it for me. Do it for Adam and Mia (but mostly for me).

2. The Vampire Diaries is back!  I record it and watch it on Friday mornings. I’m probably watching it right now as you read this. Bring on Damon and them crazy eyes! I’m there!  EEeeeeeeee!

3. Winter the Dolphin– Changing gears here. My family and I watched A Dolphin Tale on Friday (and yeah, the hubs and I totally cried) and since then we have been obsessed with watching Winter the Dolphin on her webcam.  You guys, laugh if you will, but she is stinking adorable.  You can check her out here.

4. Sam’s Town by The Killers– Ever get stuck on an old album? That’s me most of the time.  This week it’s been Sam’s Town. Especially this song.  It makes me want to dance around my house. I’m playing it relentlessly.

5. Legend by Marie Lu– All I can say about this book is HUZZAH.  I’m a little more than halfway through and this shizz is awesome.  It’s like a dystopian Les Miserables, only not.

Fangirl Friday!

Fangirl Friday is a new feature we’re participating in, hosted by Evil Eva at Nancy Drew is My Homegirl (I know. Don’t you love that name?).  Basically, we get to talk about the five things we’re freaking out about at present. Now, since fangirling is something we do almost as frequently as we blink, this seemed like a perfect fit for us.   So without further ado, here’s what we’re spazzing about this week.

1. The Hunger Games Trailer– I mean, well, obviously.  That trailer was so excellent I almost don’t need to see the actual film. That’s how satisfied I was. I almost lit a ciggy afterward.  Yes, there’s Gale, whom I refuse to discuss and then there’s Haymitch’s hair, about which I don’t even know what to say…but the rest was amazing.  I think Lenny Kravitz is going to nail Cinna and Elizabeth Bank looks fantastic as Effie (but we already knew that).

2. The Hunger Games Nail Polish Line– I know it’s awfully girly of me, but I’m so psyched about this. I realize that it’s a ridiculous tie-in since Katniss was way more worried about starving or, you know, being skewered, to have any concern over the state of her nails, but come February 2012, when China Glaze releases this line, I am locking down a bottle of We Could Runaway, a bottle of Catnip,  and a bottle of Flaming Gems (among others).

3. The Vampire Diaries– Really CW?  You had to show me an awesome episode where Bad Stefan showed some good (but not enough to make him Good Stefan and therefore, not enough to make him annoy me) and saved his brother AND did evil vengeful stuff to Klaus?  And now I have that I’m a week behind on this, but I just watched the mid-season finale this morning.  So sue me and then check out the preview for January.

4. Five Guys– I’m not much of a red meat-eater, but I have these mini dates with my husband all the time where we squeeze in a burger at Five Guys. It’s pure heaven.  It actually makes me feel like  somewhat of a traitor being that I’m a Southern California girl where it is virtually a requirement that everyone love In-N-Out (and I do In-n-Out! I really love you too). Sometimes I even feel guilty when I go to Five Guys, but, you know, not guilty enough to wave off a cheeseburger.  On Saturday my husband and I have a date to do some Christmas shopping, but there will be no fancy schmancy dinner for us. Heck no. We’re both dying to get back to Five Guys.  I can’t wait to stuff my face.

5. Breaking Dawn Part 1–  I’m putting this on here in honor of Vee.  As much as I make fun of the Twilight movies, I always enjoy the experience because Vee takes it to the next level of crazy.  Girlfriend LOVES the experience.  She coordinates her clothing with some theme linked to the book/film we’re seeing.  It’s a feast of nuttiness.  I love it.  We’re actually not even seeing the movie together this year, but I can’t wait to watch it and discuss it with her because she always makes me love it more.  Admittedly, the first film was horrible, but they’ve gotten progressively better each time, aside from the fact that Edward always looks constipated and unhappy (wouldn’t you be?) and Bella has that whole hair flipping/lip-biting/heavy blinking thing going on.  And despite the fact that I felt that Meyers could have cut a lot out of Breaking Dawn, it had something I loved: the wedding and the honeymoon. I’m totally looking forward to seeing these on film.